Semi Project – MP03 Rolling Control Unit

Semi Project – MP18 Hanging Display Unit
May 6, 2023
Semi Update – Feng shui
May 9, 2023

I couldn't find much information about the Modern Props Rolling Control Unit #03. The Facebook page states that there were 2 units and it seems like they might have been altered for Star Trek: The Next Generation, also making an appearance in Star Trek: Enterprise. Throughout the series, this unit was frequently shown and played a significant role in servicing KITT's onboard computers and video equipment.

Once completed, this part will consist of about 3 or 4 pieces, facilitating easy assembly and providing space for electronics, wiring, and LEDs if one wishes to incorporate these features. The illuminated sections will be printed using clear resin and will come with a 3-piece layered decal system, creating the illusion that the electronics are inactive when not lit.

If anyone possesses additional information about the history of this prop, I would greatly appreciate learning more! Please feel free to leave a comment below or reach out to me via the "contact us" page. Your insights would be highly valued!

[smart-product id=1442 border=false autoplay=true interval=90 ]


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August 15, 2024
August Updates & SKA 2024
On July 19th and 20th, we attended a Knight Rider event called Southern Knights Atlanta. The event organizer, Mark Puette, was gracious enough to allow us to have a table at the show, and we cannot thank him enough! This year, we brought all the Fanhome parts, as well as my current project car.
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