Aggiornamento rapido dell'inventario e del sito web
28 ottobre 2023
Gli storici e lo stato dell'inventario
7 marzo 2024


Greetings everyone, I trust this blog post finds you in good health. I apologize for my extended absence in updates, as I have been diligently working behind the scenes on the site and finalizing parts for the shop. An inventory refresh is imminent, and you may have already noticed the addition of four new parts to the store. These 3D printed components, crafted by Christian Witt, encompass Lens Covers, Stone Guards, an Energy Cell, and an Alpha Circuit. They are priced slightly higher due to the increased complexity of the printing process and the substantial finishing work involved.

I acknowledge the delay in introducing unfinished DIY parts, and for that, I extend my apologies. The unexpected popularity of the shop has consumed a significant portion of my personal time, and unfortunately, this situation is not changing anytime soon. However, with the advent of 2024, there are exciting prospects ahead. The upcoming additions for the year will include replacement dash overlays and a meticulously crafted magnetic taillight replacement, ensuring absolute accuracy for the rear end of our builds. These parts will be priced higher due to the intricate finishing work required to bring them to completion.

To those celebrating the holidays, I extend my warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please be aware that USPS has increased their prices, and as a result, shipping may experience delays. Unfortunately, I have no control over this, and I maintain transparent shipping costs without any additional markups. To mitigate these challenges, I've implemented a plugin for the store, enabling real-time, accurate shipping prices directly from the shipper to ALL COUNTRIES, offering more options for cost savings.

I've also made some adjustments on the website, including the removal of GeoMind. This system caused difficulties for many users during checkout and seemed redundant, given that Paypal and Stripe already confirm your address. As a precaution against credit card fraud, I have enhanced the website's security to protect against bots. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the new system, please feel free to contact me. Take care, everyone!


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6 settembre 2024
Altri problemi e ritardi.
Quando le cose vanno male, per me tendono ad andare davvero male. Mi scuso sinceramente con tutti coloro che hanno ordinato una lente oscurante prima che la rimuovessi dal negozio. Credevo che le misure fossero precise, ma quando ho iniziato a confezionare gli ordini, qualcosa non mi sembrava corretto. Si è scoperto che erano più che...