Semi-Projet - MP03 Unité de contrôle du roulage
8 mai 2023
Semi Update - Unités radar MP Boomerang
13 mai 2023

I'm uncertain about what to label the upcoming set of items, but for now, I'll go with "Chrome Globe Drink Cabinet." Frankly, I had no idea what this item was or where to start with this project. I was completely unaware that it opened up to reveal drink-serving components and shot glasses inside. This seems to be an intriguing prop, probably from the mid to late 70s, although my knowledge about it is limited.

Fortunately, a good friend of mine, Nick Nugent, had recently rented several props from Accessoires modernes (prior to their closure) for his Knight Rider Reunion event in California. Nick had thoughtfully taken numerous close-up and detailed photos of some of the more obscure props, making the recreation of this item relatively straightforward. Once they are 3D printed, I'll definitely consider electroplating them for a chrome finish.

[smart-product id=1402 border=false autoplay=true interval=90]


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6 septembre 2024
Plus de problèmes et de retards.
Lorsque les choses tournent mal, elles ont tendance à vraiment tourner mal pour moi. Je m'excuse sincèrement auprès de tous ceux qui ont commandé une lentille occultante avant que je ne la retire du magasin. Je pensais que les mesures étaient exactes, mais lorsque j'ai commencé à emballer les commandes, quelque chose m'a semblé anormal. Il s'est avéré qu'elles étaient plus que...