Novedades de agosto y SKA 2024
15 de agosto de 2024
Nuevos productos y actualización de septiembre
24 de septiembre de 2024

"Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right."
- Marilyn Monroe


When things go wrong, they tend to really go wrong for me. I sincerely apologize to everyone who ordered a blackout lens before I removed them from the store. I believed the measurements were accurate, but as I started packing the orders, something seemed off. It turned out they were more than 0.5mm off in each direction. Thankfully, I noticed before shipping them out. I believe I've emailed all of you about this unfortunate delay, and the vendor has assured me that the blackouts will arrive within two weeks. I promise to send out your orders as soon as the new blackouts arrive!

In other unfortunate news, we've discovered that Mike Lane's Electronics mod interferes with our Season One console upgrade, preventing the dash from seating correctly. If you're using Mike Lane's mod, you'll need to remove a significant amount of resin from the support column by cutting or sanding with a rotary tool. If you're interested in a Mike Lane-compatible Season 1 lower console being available for purchase, that's absolutely possible, but I need some feedback first. Please click the vote button on your left to let me know if you're interested. I don't want to pursue this if there's no interest.

We're also experiencing delays with the stone guards and lens covers again. I applied 3M pads yesterday, and my fingerprints remained in the paint. The paint consists of two base coats and three clear coats, making it quite thick. I need to find a better gloss clear coat that doesn't take weeks to cure when using multiple layers. If anyone has suggestions, please use the contact form or email me. I can't thank you enough for your continued support and patience, but for now, let me just start with - thank you!


2 Comentarios

  1. Guitarcheology dice:

    Have you tried using SprayMax 2K clear yet? It is a two part activated urethane, in a spray can. You have to shake it up good, but it goes on super smooth and glossy. You wont need 2 coats. They can be shipped in a couple days. Fully hard within a week.

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24 de septiembre de 2024
Nuevos productos y actualización de septiembre
Presentamos la consola inferior 2024 rediseñada, una actualización refinada del diseño de la primera temporada de Pedro Santamaría, ahora totalmente compatible con el kit electrónico Ultimate de Mike Lane. Esta consola actualizada resuelve los problemas de compatibilidad anteriores con los kits electrónicos del mercado de accesorios....
6 de septiembre de 2024
Más problemas y retrasos.
Cuando las cosas van mal, tienden a ir realmente mal para mí. Pido sinceras disculpas a todos los que pidieron unas lentes blackout antes de que las retirara de la tienda. Creía que las medidas eran exactas, pero cuando empecé a empaquetar los pedidos, algo me pareció que no encajaba. Resultó que eran más que...